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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


"I feel like I am not getting anything from you. Tell me about yourself."
"Don't you think that is a rather broad question. What exactly do you want to know?"
"I want to know you....What are your passions?"
"Ah, Passions! I have never been a passionate person. Passion is alien to me"
"But surely there must be something. There must be something for which you care about more than anything else"
"As I said, passion is an alien concept."
"You are the first person to say that, I am intrigued. Tell me, how would you describe life in word?"
"Well put. but if you aren't passionate it must be because you don't show any passion. There must be passion inside you. Why do you think that is?"
"I shall keep playing the game as long as it lasts"
"I see, tell me, are you a virgin?"

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