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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


From Wikipedia:

The northern section of the river flows almost entirely through desert, from Sudan into Egypt, a country whose civilization has depended on the river since ancient times. Most of the population of Egypt and all of its cities, with the exception of those near the coast, lie along those parts of the Nile valley north of Aswan; and nearly all the cultural and historical sites of Ancient Egypt are found along the banks of the river.


"I feel like I am not getting anything from you. Tell me about yourself."
"Don't you think that is a rather broad question. What exactly do you want to know?"
"I want to know you....What are your passions?"
"Ah, Passions! I have never been a passionate person. Passion is alien to me"
"But surely there must be something. There must be something for which you care about more than anything else"
"As I said, passion is an alien concept."
"You are the first person to say that, I am intrigued. Tell me, how would you describe life in word?"
"Well put. but if you aren't passionate it must be because you don't show any passion. There must be passion inside you. Why do you think that is?"
"I shall keep playing the game as long as it lasts"
"I see, tell me, are you a virgin?"

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Seven people, one convertible, and more than 400 miles...all combined together to deliver one of the best weekends. Skye was quite a divine experience (there, i said it) reminds me of how one Indian journalist described Lahore (my hometown) : It is a place "so sentimentalised that it sometimes seemed to curl up and rest in the air like an eternal sigh." There's just too much to write about in detail, so I'll let the photos do the taking (rest of which I will upload soon on my facebook account). I have to mention though the hospitality of a very charming old lady we met in a village in Skye. When we stopped in front of her house to use the toilet, she invited us to tea and entertained us with her great life experiences in the 2-3 hours that followed. Suffice to say, delightful experience in every sense of the word.

You can hardly see The Man, but a very nice shot nonetheless, considering especially the fact that I stay in the air for a few nanoseconds when I do jump one every leap year

It takes ages to upload photos, so these are all I'm uploading here.€

Monday, February 19, 2007


"Excuse me friend, how are you?"
"You are a nice guy are you not?"
"I would like to think so"
"Are you Italian?"
"Are you from Argentina then?"
"Puerto Rico?"
"No...I am from Singapore"
"Oh, so you must be a nice guy then. You see, I am a monk."
"I can see that from your outlook"
"So would you like to help a monk? It would make people very happy"
"No thanks, I am from Pakistan"
"Oh! a small amount then?"
"No thanks"

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The unexpressed

"Had a good night sir?"
"Aye lad, a night of excessive debauchery to ease the pain and please the soul."
"Debauchery sir? You heart must be full of joy!"
"It be true! It be as full as an Irish pub on Saint Paddy's day. One step hither, two steps thither, let you life take its course lad. Life my lad is like a raindrop, that is created in the skies in events of pristine purity, but after that it is just hurled down to the ground, it be lonely when it start, it sail through the dark, it fall through the cloud, but in the end, it reach the people, it appreciate the lights, the buildings, the people, it appreciate life...but alas, lad, by that time it be too late, it just fall to ground and the glory of life vanish unto the old earth."
"Such wise words this world hath not heard ere today o jolliest of all people. I thank ye with the bottom of my heart"
"Lad, I like thee, Do thou liketh me?"

*I'm getting so awful at writing these things,sigh*

Thursday, February 08, 2007


In case there are still some people in the world who haven't seen this beautiful piece:

Friday, February 02, 2007

Free Hugs Singapore

The Free Hugs movement started out last year (i think) by a guy in Australia, and has now spread to all over the world, courtesy of youtube where he uploaded the video. The idea is exactly what it sounds like, the free-hugs people take a "free hugs" sign in a public place and wait for people to come and hug them. I saw one guy in PGP last semester, though I wasn't aware of this movement before and I was therefore very surprised to see such behavior because I thought anyone in their right minds in Singapore would not attempt to acquire Cannabis under any circumstances, but there was proof of that right in front of me. Anyway, some Singaporeans did it now and made a video for it. pretty nice:


This is what a daal(masoor) is supposed to look like:

This is what happened when I tried making it the first time:

....and the second time...

As you can see, I'm getting good at this \m/(O_O)\m/