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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Dear Ali,

you are an idiot. In the past you have done your share of moronic activities, but this, sir, surpasses all of them. What the hell were you thinking? A tale of such grand fuck-upitiness that you could tell your grandchildren about it (who'll want to marry an unemployed arse anyway).
Stand in the middle of a dark room and let a spotlight shine on you. Kids, when I say "go", you point at him and laugh your hearts out, he deserves it. It doesn't need to be said, but you, my friend, messed up big time, and don't try to rationalize this now, it was your own fault, nothing else. Accept it. No bullcrap like "well it's kinda good in a way." You know what, there is no such thing as a blessing in disguise, it's just a term sad people use to justify their own misfortune, and it's not misfortune when fate has nothing to do with it, and on that note I know that you don't believe in fate, so Ali, enjoy what you did, and remember it, because something tells me this is not the last time something like this happened.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This post is long overdue, in response to a note that never was.
I have been told that this is not a problem anymore, but recently some people suffered the bane of ostracism at the hands of the majority for acts that were not condoned by the said majority. Let me put it another way, I have red hair, I hang out with people with red hair. A red-haired friend of mine dyes his hair blond. Result : I don't let him hang out with me any more, ergo, ostracism.

Now, really, seeing this does not make me happy, but seeing people justify this makes me plain angry. Seriously, are you going to live in your 'comfort zone' throughout your life? If I were to spend time only with people who shared all of my interests, I would be alone all the time (Unless there is someone else who likes Irish girls with a penchant for mascara and some other things that I should not divulge on such a public place). The point is, you cannot expect people to follow the ideology that you have, the tastes that you have and such, and as long as they don't carry out acts that make you uncomfortable in your presence, I don't see why you should have a problem with what they do.

Another assumption made here is that such acts are done without any thought and with amorality at heart. That is definitely not the case. Everyone you know, everything that one does, is based upon many, many factors, and if it is a big decision, extreme amount of thought has gone into it. No matter what the person may seem to you, any act that would set him apart from the group, move him away from their comfort zone, is not mindless. On that note, if you believe that he does this act based on peer pressure, by you harassing him (yes, harassment is the word) are you not forcing him to conform to your ways? Isn't that peer pressure? Any big decision that you make, that may actually change your outlook on life should never be based on peer pressure, it should be a person's own decision solely. Unless someone asks for advice don't give it. Let that person be, he needs to do what he wants to do, you forcing him to do otherwise would benefit no one.

Honestly, I have friends whose character and activities range across the spectrum, and if you feel that you would want to confine yourself to certain characteristics, that frankly, is something I cannot understand and you are poorer for doing that to yourself.