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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Chocolate icecream and Onions

Yesterday, the Samba came to Scotland. Well actually, it was a Glasgow group doing the Samba (do you do the samba? or play the samba?), so it was pretty Scottish to begin with. However, for many like me this was the first time they had seen Samba, and it was pretty good! I tried editing the videos I took to make one video out of all, but the software I have seems to be as good and fast as doing it as I am at translating from Mandarin to Malay. So you'll have to bear with me. The videos are pretty long and the sound quality is not that good, but you do get a basic idea.

The Samba:

After that it was the turn of some weird Martial Arts groups to display their act. Their performance left many with open mouths, but that was because they couldn't figure what exactly they were trying to do.

The "Highest" form of Martial Arts:

Though thankfully, the weed wore off eventually and they ended up doing some pretty cool things.

After that it was the turn to put one of the burning questions of life at rest. What does rap done to Samba sound like? I'm not kidding. Though the audio is not too good, and the guy rapped in a Scottish accent(of course), you can still get a basic idea. Honestly, it was much better than I expected.

The Samba Rap:

Since this night was turning out to be such an insightful one, it was time to answer another one of life's burning questions: What does the castle look like at midnight? You see, SEP is a true learning experience:P. Why we went there I don't know, it just happened, but it looked quite nice, and after a few attempts at photography it was time to head back home.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

50 things for college life

I came upon this post when a friend sent the link with the usual "MUST READ" descriptions attached. Well actually, for all the college students, i do think this is a must read. Though he talks about undergraduate life at MIT, this could equally apply to any university in the world, and it is SO true! Ok, less talking...the link
50 Things

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Edinburgh Castle

Finally I have my own camera! So I can start blogging now...actually I could've started before but meh, I'm too lazy for that. (And you can see by the swiftness of my posting with the event how quickly I do things)
I came to Edinburgh late one night and the thing that immediately caught my eye was the castle. The sheer grandeur of the building illuminating so beautifully in the night was just stunning. It is after all supposedly the most visited place in Scotland. Though it does cost a lot to get inside, I can honestly say it's definitely worth it. The view from the castle itself of the city is quite breathtaking, though I wish I had gone on a day when the wind wasn't blowing so brutally into my face, but having spent almost two weeks here now, I know those days are just the stuff of legend.
The greatest thing about the castle is that there is tons of stuff to do inside. There are plenty of museums and each is quite fascinating, it takes you a good deal of time to see the entire castle. Oh and by the way, if anyone is going there anytime soon, they shoot the cannon at 1PM everyday, so you might wanna catch that.
One thing I have to talk about is the Scottish crown jewels. They're kept in quite an unassuming building, but the tour inside is quite breathtaking with meticulous recreations of the historical events. The Scottish kings and queens used to be take off from Holyrood Palace, ride down the royal mile and crowned at the castle...kinda intimidates you when you walk the royal mile after this.

After the evening, there was an excellent bagpipe player playing at the royal mile. The video:

I showed this to a friend, and although I can not reproduce his exact response, but he called it a cacophony, but then again he'd probably say the same about Nirvana, so I can't really trust his opinion. I loved it though, though I couldn't make a longer vid. because there was only so much time I could stand there without sparing some change.