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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just when I thought I had gone crazy from all the frustration with everything happening (or the lack thereof), I saw this today.

Since I got it on camera, clearly I am not crazy. I didn't know though that baboons roamed Old KR. Maybe they do live around here somewhere, and come out rarely, like the dogs at night (or at those wolf cubs). Anyway, I thought it was interesting, and first time I ever saw anything of the monkey family in Singapore (*Resist making obvious joke*)
By the way if the picture is not clear, there is one above the window and another on the window above. I saw him try to make his way in. Now i'm never going to leave my windows open when I leave the room

Monday, June 09, 2008

Speedy gonzalez

It is strange how words take a new meaning when imported into another language. The French always keep complaining about how the English take their words and say them with an accent in English sentences just to sound sophisticated, it is a matter of great curiosity to them. This does not have anything to do with Speedy Gonzalez of course, but a train of thought led me to him.
I saw a nike ad today claiming in a strong font "The new hombre is here." Hombre is simply spanish for man, however using it in an English sentence somehow makes it, for lack of a better word, 'cooler.' Language is a curious thing indeed.
Coming to Speedy now, I was wondering what he kept saying. Being a kid, I couldn't care less what it really meant. Wikipedia tells me that it was "¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba!" which is Spanish for "Hurry up! Get up!" I could never understand the inverted exclamation mark too. Weird.
Anyway this got me thinking how cartoons are different when you view them now. One of my favorite ones growing up was Gumby, about a talking piece of plasticine (how naieve kids are, believing everything you tell them). Having nothing else to do, the other day I watched an episode of Gumby for 'old time's sake.' Ladies and Gentlemen, let me tell you something, you will never see anything worse that that. What an utter piece of crap! No plot, no excitement, nothing, it was painfully boring. This makes me wonder, what was it that made it so watchable in the first place. I honestly have no idea. I don't know what was going through in my head at that time.
On a similar note, what's up with the Ninja turtles. I mean, why teenage mutant ninja turtles. What's being teenage has got to do with anything they do? and turtles of all the creatures? turtles? and why did splinter turn into a rodent? why not a mutant human or something?

This all makes me wonder, is it very easy to amuse kids or did all those cartoon really have something?

P.S. By the way, check out the wikipedia entry on Speedy, apparently it was quite racist