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Monday, August 27, 2007


Last Wednesday the World of Music and Dance (WOMAD), an ensemble of musicians from all over the world came to campus. I'll admit my main motivation for going was to see the British-Indian group Dhol Foundation, who were great by the way. However, it was another band that I liked so much that I am going to mention it here (and you can see by my posting frequency what things make it here). Shooglenifty is a band from the greatest city in the world, Edinburgh! Although they don't use bagpipes, their music is an excellent fusion of rock and folk with a distinct celtic sound. They were so good that they forced the NUS staff to burst into an impromptu ceilidh.
The band's website is where you can listen to some of their great works.
and here is a video of their performance at the Edinburgh Festival last year

Monday, August 20, 2007

Been in Singapore for more than a week now, and I seem to be looking at it through very different eyes.....damn, I miss Edinburgh. Honestly, Lahore and Singapore are not that different, but I feel a stark contrast between Singapore and Edinburgh...the people, the place, everything seems so different and strangely alien. I guess I'll have to get used to it again and try to get rid of my Edinburgh habits and expectations....